Frequently Asked Questions

What is mastering?

Mastering is the final process performed by a mastering engineer on a song before it gets released. Known as the “final polish” the track should sound good across all devices/platforms. Holistically the engineer should make the mix louder but still keep the dynamic range whilst applying different processing techniques enhancing the source material.

What format do I deliver my “Pre-Master” in?

The same sample rate (ie 44.1Khz/48Khz/96Khz etc) as your DAW session and at 24bit or 32bit (float) in WAV format .Please provide at least -3db headroom and don’t have any limiters on the master buss.

What format will I recieve my masters in?

44.1Khz 24Bit Wav (unless otherwise specified)

Can you master for specific streaming platforms?

Yes if requested - it will be charged as an "additional pass" if different from the commercial master.

Will mastering make my mix sound perfect.

Mastering can only achieve what your mix is capable of achieving - for example if a bad mix is sent to a mastering engineer it should come back sounding better than the mix itself but it might not sound like a grammy award winning mastered song due to the limitations due to the poor quality mix. You can’t fix a mix in the mastering phase (most of the time).

How long will it take to get my Master back.

There is a 3 day turnaround unless a "24 hour" turnaround is requested and booked.

Are your services genre specific?

No, I work with all genres.

How can I get the best sounding master possible?

  1. Make sure your music is recorded on quality equipment and your production is at a good standard - make sure your mix is balanced. Most importantly communicate with your mastering engineer about how you want your master to sound. Provide “loudness” and “tone” reference tracks for a reference point the engineer can get direction from.